gabrg2 -/- larval zebrafish

Wildtype larval zebrafish

Light stimulation induces convulsive behaviour and associated, extensive neuronal hyperexcitability evident on GCaMP6f imaging

[Top Left] Larval behaviour can be recorded effiently using a semi-automated behaviour setup. Here we record wildtype, and gabrg2 -/- larvae whilst in the dark, folled by sudden light exposure. On light stimulation, the KO larvae show uncontrolled, hypermotor phenotypes consistent with convulsive seizures.[Dynamic content: Behavioural recordings will autoplay ]

[Bottom Left] Similar recordings can be performed in gabra1 -/- KOs and their wildtype siblings. Their phenotype is present in the larval stage, but much stronger in early juvenile stages - recordings from 2.5 weeks post fertilisation are shown here.[Dynamic content: Behavioural recordings will autoplay]

[Right] Two raw-traces are shown for light sheet imaging performed at 40Hz. Recorded with visible laser wavelenghts, after a period of undisturbed darkness, the onset of the recording shows the neuronal response to light stimulation.
The left video shows extensive, and prolonged responses predominantly in the tectum, but involving other brain areas as well. This was recorded in the gabrg2 -/- larvae at 6dpf. The right video shows their wildtype sibling controls' response to the same paradigm - revealing much less extensive neuronal responses. These findings are indicative of a neuronal hyperexcitability.[Dynamic content: Click to play videos of calcium imaging (played at half speed)]